
POS Analytics

Expand Your Reporting
Save Time & Labor

Limited by Available Reports?
Let us help you get the data you need.

Why Choose POS Portals

POS Portals can answer the questions and fill the holes that exist in your current reporting suite. POS Portals offers a powerful reporting engine alongside custom report design services to help you save time & labor in manual processes.

Query Editor

We use our web-based query editor to create or modify reports for rapid paced return on requests. Adding extra fields or filters can be done with ease in real time.

Smart Reporting

Assign your users or user groups access to only the reports you would like them to see. Users can then create their own saved views and charts based on system defined filters.

Custom Dashboards

All report views, charts and graphs can be added to one or many user specific dashboards. With the dashboard tool, you can experience real-time, all-in-one views of your metrics.


Use our scheduling tool to regularly email or FTP reports, as well as dynamically configure event driven notifications to notify you when specific events or data points are hit.

Let us deliver the data you need, so you can spend your valuable time growing your business.

Services & Technical Details

POS Portals is committed to helping you get the most out of your Point of Sale data. We are aware of many of the limitations in Point of Sale reporting, and are continually working with existing customers to expand and improve our reporting suite to minimize obstacles.

Versatile Customization

POS Portals was designed and built to create customized reports and deliver data in the format you need.

Mobile Friendly

Responsive Customer Support

If you have any questions or need assistance at any time, please feel free to contact us. We will make every attempt to respond within 24 hours.

Cloud Hosted

Pricing Contact Us

App & Cross-Browser Support

Download the IOS/Android App or use a PC, Mac or mobile device to browse with Chrome, IE, Firefox or Safari.

Training and Assistance

Take advantage of our video walkthroughs or contact us to schedule a time with us to train you and your team in order to fully leverage our platform.

User Experience

Ready to do Things differently?

Companies we work with always find new unique ways to take advantage of our custom report design services through the POS Portals platform. We continually provide personalized dashboards and reports, third party API integrations, automated scheduled jobs, and more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Please feel free to contact us for any unanswered questions.


How do I start or request a demo?

Please fill out the contact form below with a little info about your business. We will reply within 24 hours to schedule a time to show how our product can help you understand and improve your business.

Do I need to know how to write SQL query language?

No, we manage the SQL queries and base reports based on your needs. From there, you have the freedom to customize and create charts and visualizations as needed.

Do I need a web server to use POS Portals?

You do not, we provide a cloud hosted environment for you.

Does POS Portals have an app?

Yes, POS Portals has a fully featured iPhone and Android app.


Is there a per user fee for POS Portals?

No, you may add as many users as you wish. Instead, we charge a fee per location for processing and storing data.

Can I schedule reports and graphs to be sent to via email?

Yes, you can schedule any report or list of reports, graphs and charts to be sent to any email or email list on a scheduled basis.

Can I customize the fields or filter inputs on my reports?

Yes, it is very easy to add new filters or data fields on any report.

Can I create dashboards for different teams in my company?

Yes, you can create as many unique dashboards as you need. Your users can also manage and organize their own dashboards to personalize them for their own needs.


Can I internally restrict who can see different reports?

Yes, POS Portals has a full user management and security system. You can control and delegate which users or groups of users you would like to see each report you create.

Can I restrict outgoing report emails to a specific domain?

Yes, sometimes it is critical that your private data stays internal. You can add restrictions specific domains or regex expressions that users are allowed to schedule and send data to.

Are there logs? Overall system transparency?

Yes, we do have system logs for your security. Some areas of transparency are..

  • Report and system email queue
  • Users online
  • Url requests
  • System issues

Getting Started

How much does it cost?

Our pricing model is based on how many stores you have online. We will never charge a per/user fee.

There are additional development costs for creating custom reports and personalized features. We will work with you to provide fair and reasonable pricing on a per case basis.

How about a Free Trial?

Feel free to click the DEMO link at the top of the page to try out POS Portals. We can provide a basic 30 day trial for up to five store locations. Please contact us and we can schedule a time to learn about your needs and steps to get you up and running.

Customization and Company branding?

Upon signing up, you will get your own POS Portals environment ( in which you can customize your logo, theme, colors and website settings.

How soon can we be running reports?

We will dedicate personalized resources to get you up and running as quickly as possible. Depending on the level of integration needed, it could be as quick as a couple of days.

Video Walkthrough

Let us deliver the data you need, so you can spend your valuable time growing your business.

Sign Up & Request Access

Current Brink customers can use this form to request and authorize POS Portals for read-only access to your Brink data.

Once approved you will receive an email within 2 business days with directions to login and access your new Portal.

By submitting this form you are granting Suntek Solutions Corp permission to access your Par Brink point of sale data for read only access. Your data is protected and secured by Suntek Solutions Corp and will not be accessible to anyone outside of your organization, but only to Suntek Solutions and Par Brink

Contact Us

We try to respond within one business day, and always appreciate your inquiries